Our Key Features

Supported Payout Modes

  • UPI
  • IMPS
  • RTGS
  • NEFT

Key Features

  • Do instant Payouts, 24x7, even on bank holidays
  • Add or delete any number of beneficiary accounts
  • Track each account separately using the dashboard
  • Automatic reconciliations process
  • Robust security
  • Notification & alerts

Pay instantly in real time!

  • Swift Transfer = You can send money instantly to users, customers, and vendors with Quick Transfer. You can also choose the mode of transfer and the fund source for your payout.
  • Bulk payouts = Upload an excel file and do up to 1000 bulk payouts at once. Track a transfer's status in real-time, and know the exact reason for failure.
  • Payouts API = Utilize APIs to process up to 1000 payouts, generate custom reports, and gain insight into - transfers, reversed transfers, statements, and more.